Episode 006- Banned from Tinder

Listen on: Itunes  |  Stitcher | GooglePlay | Overcast | Libsyn | Spotify | TuneIn Dating. Setting boundaries. Friendship after dating and transitioning relationships. Metamours day. Abandonment issues. Mental health in dating/relationships. BANNED FROM TINDER- for sex work, NB/trans, & BBW discrimination. Tinder is trash, basically. End with femme for femme dating, a twitter thread. (Will add it soon!) Follow us on IG & Twitter @QueersNextDoor […]

Episode 005- Fly on, Unicorn Hunters

Dating apps = personal hell. Yes or No? Self-care check-in: What does PMDD steal from me? Why we should all have a mantra. Lists, bullet journals, and organizational skills. Ask Sex Coach Leigh Questions: 1. Dating profiles & lesbians. Is Lesbian an exclusionary term? What does queer mean exactly? No terfs & swerfs. 2. Sex parties […]